…and I’m known best for helping actors get out of their heads so they can tell the story (instead of kill it!).
I’ve worked with actors across the country on film and tv sets, at camps, schools and theatre companies ranging from LAByrinth Theater Company’s Master Class to hit network tv shows. I’m currently the on-set coach on the final season of NBC’s This Is Us and I’ve become the go-to set coach for AwesomenessTV / Viacom, having worked on 7 seasons of their shows. I own and operate Real Actor’s Lab where I regularly teach classes, workshops, coach actors for auditions and help working actors prepare for challenging scenes and roles. I was fortunate to have trained with many of the best teachers in the industry, including my favorite coach Larry Moss who I first worked with in 2005. I studied voice and Shakespeare with Royal Shakespeare Company’s Patsy Rodenburg as well as Linklater trained voice coach Adele Cabot. I am based in Los Angeles and am fortunate to work with actors, emerging and seasoned alike, across the globe.